In a few hours, I'll be heading out to set up for MileHiCon. I haven't been this excited for a convention since my first one several years ago. I'm elated to see everyone again.
Below is my schedule for the weekend. I hope to see you at some of the panels.
MileHiCon schedule:
Friday 2:00 PM: Evergreen D- How I Write Friday 9:00 PM: Conifer 1-Body Artistry & Meaning Saturday 10:00 AM: Conifer 3- Group Reading: Non-Western SF&F Saturday 1:00 PM: Crestone Peak- Roundtable Cats Rule! Saturday 5:00 PM: Autograph Table
Sunday, though I'm not on the panel, I'll be going to the Live Slush Pile with Lou Berger at 10:00 am. This is usually my favorite event at the con and I'm glad to be a spectator instead of a panelist. Every time I attend, I learn something new that I can use for my own writing.