This Labor Day is a workday for me. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I haven’t blogged for a while. Life has gotten in the way of updates. For the most part, I’ve been busy writing novels and short stories. I thought I would have more time this summer after my trip and after the surgery. However, I greatly overestimated how quickly I would heal from the surgery I had in July. I’m now almost eight weeks post-op and have just begun to feel like myself again and I’m thankful to be able to write again.
It’s interesting when the characters quicken, and you find that they alter your outline significantly. Though it wasn’t originally planned, the characters decided this would be an LGBTQIA+ series.
I’m usually pleasantly surprised when I’m writing a scene and then the character doesn’t act in ways that I expect but are consistent with the character’s personality. While writing Brotherhood of Blood, I had initially planned for a romance between the main character and a temple priestess, but the character decided there was no chemistry and instead, chose to fall in love with one of his companions. Jericho is reluctant to admit it at first, which of course, leads to more complications.
I finished the formatting of City of the Dreaded God on Saturday and I’m awaiting the final print cover from the artist, so everything should be ready for the October first release. The last book in the series, The Return of the Green Temple is scheduled to release in 2023. We hope you follow Jericho on his next journey. Until then, happy reading!